Join TFG sponsored online promotional job for earning huge money on internet. TFG VACATION, a brand name. For trust & reliance in world of tours &travels is hiring candidates (male female) for
Part time home based online promotional work.
PART TIME /FULL TIME ONLINE ADVERTISEMENT AND PROJECTS are made available by a well known& dominating name in tourism industry.
TFG VACATION INDIA PVT LTD (ISO-9001-2008) TFG’s advertisement projects enable you to earn between RS.6000 TO 10,000 each week…
An ISO certified company in sector of tour & tourism –M/S TFG VACATION INDIA PVT LTD.
Is recruiting candidate for online promotion and advertisement of company sponsored services job responsibility: To promote company‘s business and create a network of…
Here is your opportunity to work for few hours in the day and earn a salary that you would get in a normal full time job. This job requires you to work for an average of just two hours a day and to receive a handsome salary of 20,000 to 40,000 per month.…
This is an opportunity that allows you to work in an easy and stress free way and at the same time make the same amount of money you would in any job. Work for two hours a day and we pay you anywhere between 20,000 and 40,000 per month.
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